Monday Motivation

workout clothes rachel puccetti between two coasts monday motivation style rachel puccetti between two coasts monday motivation rachel puccetti between two coasts adidas sneakers workout clothes rachel puccetti north face vest rachel puccetti active wear rachel puccetti between two coastsVest: North Face (similar here & here), Top: BP., Leggings: Nike, Shoes: Adidas, Bottle: Hydroflask, Sunnies: DIFF Eyewear, Lips: Lipstick- Brave

It’s that day of the week that we all need a little extra motivation. Monday, we meet again. What makes getting the day started on a Monday morning even harder? Waking up to a grey, rainy day which is my current situation, haha! Today I am here to share a little Monday motivation style with you all! These comfy basics make tackling your to-list on Monday a little more effortless! I always find myself reaching for a cute vest, throw on a hat, and slip on my favorite pair of sneakers. I also have to mention that these leggings are hands down my BEST pair not only for wearing, but working out too! They seriously feel like you have nothing on, are so silky smooth, and incredibly comfy for working out/running. I’m not sure why I don’t already own like five pairs, ha! Speaking of running, I had mentioned that running a half marathon was one of my goals for 2018, and if you have any tips/apps or programs that you recommend using for training, I’d love to hear!

What is your go-to outfit for getting things done on Mondays? Share below!


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